Yogini Shambhavi Devi is one of the most important and dynamic women teachers of the deeper aspects of Yoga coming out of India today, widely respected worldwide and in traditional circles in India. Her teachings are rooted in the ancient teachings and traditions of Bhakti Yoga, Shakti Sadhana, Jyotisha (Vedic Astrology), Mantra Yoga and Ayurveda.
She is a Yogacharya or master Yoga teacher with deep knowledge of Raja Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Mantra Yoga. She is our Jyotishacharya or master teacher of Vedic astrology and handles astrological consultations for the institute, providing in depth reading of the birth chart, our karmas and our spiritual aspiration.
Yogini Shambhavi is a mystic Yogini, spiritual guide and educator of ancient Vedic traditions and is noted for her clear, direct, and uncompromising expression, and her ability to inspire seekers from every walk of life. She unfolds the bliss of well-being through Vedic Upayas, ancient rituals, mantra and meditation, drawing one to the deeper ‘Yogic Reality’, awakening the universal Shakti power within us.
Ananda Rupam Shivo’ham, Shivo’ham
Join Yogini Shambhavi for this live webinar developing the deeper vision of a yogic lifestyle.
Mother Nature in all her movements manifests a greater cosmic reality for our inner unfolding of divinity.
Yogic spirituality means becoming conscious every moment, weaving the sacred into our every experience to create deeper harmony, giving everything its appropriate sacred place and function.
So what is Yoga in the context of Your Daily Reality?
“A Yogi can do anything better than a non-yogi”- Sri Aurobindo
A Yogic vision provides an enduring aspiration for a higher ideal, living to connect to the whole of existence.
We cannot experience a single moment that does not have an impact upon ourselves and our environment. To become conscious of how we live does make a difference. Each one of us needs to consider what impact we wish to make.
Yoga is the essence of life. While we are always breathing, Pranayama is breathing yogically, with an awareness of our breath. While we are always thinking, meditation is yogic observation and transformation of the movements of the mind.
Learn to flow with the manifold rhythms of Nature in all that you are in your body, prana, senses, mind and inner Being.
Recorded on March 13, 2022
New Years Sangha with Yogini Shambhavi
Maintaining inner peace, well-being and harmony in these times.
Most of us have been working with yogic practices for years at various levels. How can these help us deal with the fear, anxiety, depression, anger, and confusion that are increasing around us.
Yogini Shambhavi will share her experiences on how to use the Yoga Shakti to calm our minds and hearts and bring a higher light into our relationship with each other, the elements, birds, animals and nature.
This will be an interactive participatory two hour session with Yogini Shambhavi, emphasizing dialogue and discussion.
Recorded on Jan 30, 2022
Experiential webinar with Yogini Shambhavi for the Navaratri Autumn Festival, the Nine Sacred Nights of Devi the Goddess.
We will share the meaning of Durga and her relevance in every individual’s life, her guiding and saving powers. We will teach you how to invoke Durga with mantra, rituals, yoga practices and meditation, helping us manifest her grace. We will examine her place in Ayurveda and Vedic astrology, from the healing herbs to the stars and planets.
Ma Durga holds the Stree Shakti, the primordial cosmic feminine energy. She is the matriarchal form of the Supreme Goddess, who empowers women with their Yoga Shakti of inner healing and higher transformation. As the Mother of the Universe, Durga rules over the creation, preservation and dissolution of all. Her force energizes all space, time, light, energy and life.
Durga takes us across all difficulties and calamities as Durgatarini. We will learn how to call upon Maa Durga in times of danger to protect us. As the Warrior Queen, Durga is indestructible and grants us an inner invincibility, strength, vitality, immunity, and self-mastery. We will learn how to develop our own inner Durga power. Astrologically, Durga, who rides the lion, represents the power, illumination and pure light of the Sun. We will explore the feminine aspects of solar energy and radiance.
During the Navaratri festival, Durga takes us from darkness to light, from sorrow to bliss. Her nine forms during the nine nights relate the stages of Yoga Sadhana that we will examine day by day. Recorded on Oct 9, 2021
Ritualizing Life with the sacred Diya. Agni as the Fire and Light energy of the Universe, is reflected within us as a ritual of lighting the Diya. The Ghee Lamp represents the Five Elements and unveils the fire of Universal Consciousness. Agni is the central fire element to all healing, purification, nurturing and enlightening way of life.The diya when lit emits an etheric sphere reflecting the universal divine grace.
Ritualizing our lives is deeply symbolic by lighting the sacred flame of awareness, a way of invoking our own inner nature.
This workshop will also be recorded if you cannot make the live session. Recorded on March 29, 2021
Join Yogini Shambhavi in exploring the traditional role of Sankalpa in Yoga practice and Integral healing. Discover and follow your highest motivation in life to fulfill your deepest wishes. Learn how to develop your inmost aspiration to manifest your yogic potential.
Recorded on 1/28/20201
Yogini Shambhavji Ritualizing Shakti in our daily lives
Every moment in life must awaken an inner awareness where we are conscious of the forces and divine grace of Shakti around us. Shakti stirs an inner sadhana, honing and fine tuning the subtle nuances of everything life touches, inspiring our spiritual aspirations, expression both spoken and written, outlook to life, connectivity to Mother Earth and Nature. Life for me is a prayer which lingers on my lips as an expression of gratitude for my sheer existence. Yoga Shakti is a beautiful understanding of learning to balance life, embracing the highs and lows, envisioning the positive from the negative and drawing the knowledge from the mind into the heart as wisdom. Learning awakens the thinking power within us, yet experiencing the knowledge creates an inner search for truth. Recorded on Nov 11, 2020
Yogini Shambhavji The Transformative Shakti of Inner Self-Awareness
Discerning the Light of Consciousness behind all that we see and do. Receptive awareness unfolds our highest potentials, creating the boundless space for them to manifest, spontaneously releasing negative thoughts and emotions without resistance or conflict. Mantra and Meditation is a way of being and seeing, not merely a technique or practice. Self-awareness is expanding the sense of oneself beyond the boundaries of the mind. Learn the Yogic secrets of Inner Self Awareness to creatively empower your yoga sadhana.
Recorded on Dec 17, 2020
More about Yogini Shambhavi go to https://www.vedanet.com/about-2/yogini-shambhavi/