Yoga & Ayurveda: The Knowledge of Life & Longevity with Mary Bastien
Sun, Jul 18
|Live Online Event
Ayurveda is spreading rapidly in popularity worldwide.

Time & Location
Jul 18, 2021, 9:00 AM
Live Online Event
About the Event
Yoga & Ayurveda: The Knowledge of Life & LongevityÂ
36 hour course.
Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat Date: Jul 18 2021 - Aug 05 2021 From: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PMÂ
JULY 18, 19, 22, 24, 27, 28, 30, 31 & AUGUST 1, 2, 4, 5th  LIVE ZOOM + RECORDED
MON: 9-12PM, TUES 5-8PM, WED 9-12, THURS 5-8PM, SAT 8-11AM, SUN 5-8PM
Ayurveda is spreading rapidly in popularity worldwide.
        "Ayurveda is not just a system that treats the physical body and its aliments; it also includes psychology and spirituality. Ayurveda considers our entire nature as body, mind, and spirit. " Vamadevji (David Frawley)
In this 36 hour immersion the student will be immersed in the teachings of Yoga & Ayurveda which include:
The Background of Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Thinking : The Mental Nature The Four Goals in Life Ayurvedic Anatomy & Physiology The 20 Attributes The Seven Tissues Agni: The Digestive Fire Ama: The Waste Examination of the Constitution Basics Ayurvedic Lifestyle Practices The Six Tastes: Ayurvedic Diet Cleansing and Rejuvenation Practices Asana & Ayurveda Yoga of Ritual & Sacred Offering Mantra, Relaxation & Meditation Practices
Each class will be comprised of lecture, group discussion and gentle Yoga practice.
This immersion is open to ALL students and hours can be applied to our 300/500 Teacher Training RYT certification. There are NO pre-requisites to take this course.
Mary has been studying Ayurveda since 2009. She began her studies under Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar and now has been studying under Dr. David Frawley & Yogini Shambhavji Chopra. She currently teaches Dr. Frawley's Ayurveda Healing Course.
$350 All recordings can be downloaded for future viewing
Yoga Ayurveda 36hr Course
$350.00Sale ended