Time & Location
Time is TBD
Live Zoom
About the Event
Start Your Journey into Teaching !
Yoga in the west today has mainly been taught as simply a physical fitness regime. Although this is a valuable way of practicing, it can be lacking in spiritual foundations. Yoga is over a 2,500 year old tradition and to strip it of is roots leaves out its essential core. In this course we will not only look at the physical side of yoga but also weave in the profound philosophies and practices of this ancient tradition.
About the Course: The first 150 hours is pre-recorded lectures (including anatomy). The next 50 hours is in person and will take place in October. This part of the course we will put into practice what you learned from the online course. Guidence on sequencing, use of voice, key concepts and how to weave them into your teaching and sequencing.
The course is broken down as follows:
157 Hours Theories, Techniques, Practice and Assignments.
20 Hours Yoga Anatomy with Leslie Kaminoff's (online course)
25 Hours at homework/study
Techniques / Training / Practice
Includes Asanas, Pranayama, Mantra, Meditation and other traditional yoga techniques. These hour are a mix between analytical training in how to teach and practice the techniques and guided practice of the techniques themselves.
Ayurveda: The Sister Science to Yoga
This will include the Dosha theory, diet, lifestyle, seasonal routines, asana and yoga practices for the doshas.
Yoga Philosophy and Ethics
Includes the study of yoga philosophies.
Anatomy and Physiology
Includes both human physical anatomy and physiology (bodily systems, organs, etc.) and energy anatomy and physiology (chakras, nadis, etc.) (online with Leslie)
Teaching Methodology/ Practicum
Includes principles of demonstration, sequencing, observation, assisting and correcting, instruction, teaching styles, qualities of a teacher, the student's process of learning and business aspects of teaching yoga.
Open Space Yoga Hawaii is recognized by Yoga Alliance, one of the leading global yoga affiliations. Open Space Yoga training supports both the serious students of yoga who want to deepen their practice as well as aspiring teachers who wants to teach skillfully, safely and with the power of their own unique voice. Students will also receive a certificate which they can use to register with Yoga Alliance at the RYT-200 level.
Requirements for Certification:
Complete all hours via recorded course.
Take home Reflections test
One Book Reflection
5 Class Observations
20 Anatomy Hours with Leslie Kaminoff online
Once you have compleated the 150 hours online, the next 50 hours is in person (or live zoom)
$1800 (please email osyhawaii@gmail.com for payment plan)
No refunds once course has started.
See over 80 reviews on www.yogaalliance.org
OCTOBER: 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 16, 18, 20, 21, 23, 25, 27, 30.
Course will be taken place in Waialua HI
Those who ONLY want to sign up for the 50 hour portion can for $800 (previous 200 hour certification is required)
Fall Yoga Teacher Training
$1,800.00Sale ended